Welcome Friends!

Angela smiling
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Well hello there! Time to make this layer of our business dream a reality!

So, in the spirit of getting to know each other a little more, we’ll start with introductions. We are The Marketing Apothecary (as you have already worked out). This business was founded because we see a lot of small business owners out there who are crushing it, but then struggle to scale because they don’t have the right marketing formula, leaving them stuck in the overwhelm. After all, it’s hard to be an expert at everything.

That’s where we come in! At The Marketing Apothecary, we help you cure your marketing with clear, powerful copywriting and strategies specifically formulated for your business so you can be empowered to grow!

Marketing is fun and it can be a powerful tool to grow your business, but people tend to have a lot of misconceptions about what marketing is and how to use it.

Cue us and our Chief Marketing Chemist who is a StoryBrand Certified Guide, Angela! You will hear us talk a lot about StoryBrand so we won’t deep dive on that today, but we will note, this is a proven framework to help clarify your message and turn your marketing into a sales powerhouse for your business!

If you don’t know Angela, here are a few insights…

Creative, passionate, and a problem-solver at heart, she broke the small town mold with her big city dreams and after living in Australia, now calls Colorado home. From project management to marketing, she has a flair for the details and a love for integrating story into business. The Marketing Apothecary has been a long-time vision turned reality and Angela can’t wait to help you use marketing to build your business and achieve results. You can often find her outside or on two wheels. So, if you love coffee, a good bourbon and bonus points if you have an affinity for wearing black – reach out for a chat.

If you are ready to unlock the potential of your business with the right marketing formula – let’s do it together!

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